Monday, February 13, 2012

The Day I Met Carly Simon

It was 1987. I was working at CHFI 98.1 in Toronto and was a technical producer on a few shows there.  One day I was told that Carly Simon was coming in and that
they were going to interview her in my studio. Paul Fisher was the Program Director and would be the lucky one to interview Carly. She was promoting her 14th album, Coming Around Again.

After getting the room set up and making sure and double sure
that I had enough ‘clean’ ¼ inch tape to record at least an hour and a backup just in case it went on longer, I waited leaning on the studio door to prop it open.

Then she came around the corner. It was like a scene from a movie where the
speed slows down and some romantic/sensual/fitting music plays. You know the scene. She was stunning and carried herself in a way that few people do. This is my split
second first impression; She had what I had heard about but had never
experienced, Charisma and a very special energy about her. It was a combination of confidence and shyness and humility at the same time.

I was only 20 years old and Carly Simon was at that time an adult contemporary artist. 
Being a lover and appreciator of music, I do like and listen to her music.  She was as nice and as pleasant in person as I had imagined. Very sweet.

One very clear memory about the interview was when she was
asked about her family and family gatherings, if it was at all musical.
Carly said ‘Oh yeah..’ ‘My sister and I would be doing the dishes and just break into song
about things that happened that day’......
Then she just broke into song. It was something silly like, ‘Hey sis, pass the towel ‘...or something banal like that.  She could have sung the phone book, it was purely beautiful.

I may be forgetting some of the details of that day but I will never forget the chills and warmth I felt when Carly Simon broke into song 3 feet away from me with no-one but the interviewer, Carly’s rep, Carly Simon and me.

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